First year pathway
Our undergraduate pathways provide you with the building blocks that you need in order to be successful at undergraduate studies in the UK.
In the First Year Pathway students complete the ARU first year of the degree, undertaking the same modules, in the same classes as students entering the University directly. Alongside the ARU modules, students entering through the First Year Pathway will have additional support and tuition from ARU College.
Please be aware that entry to the First Year with ARU College is only available for International Students.
First Year
A First Year pathway is available for students who:
- don’t meet the entry requirements to enter university level study directly (but hold equivalent to AS/A level studies)
- feel that additional support at the start of university studies will help them stand a better chance of success
- have been away from studies for a period of time
- come from a different academic environment to that of the UK
If you fall into any of the above categories, choosing an undergraduate pathway at ARU College is the right decision. Depending on your academic needs here at ARU College we have two pathway entry points available, foundation and first year pathway.
Additional support
Alongside the ARU modules student entering through the first year pathway will have additional support and tuition from ARU College.
These additional hours are made up of Interactive Learning Study Skills tuition and subject specific mentoring and support sessions. The Interactive Learning Study Skills module is a skills-based module designed to develop the academic skills required for successful Higher Education study such as academic writing and presentation skills. The support sessions allow you to meet with academic staff in order to tackle specific issues or questions.
Progressing from First Year
At ARU College we offer a first year or stage 2 level study. Either students will enter this pathway following completion of the foundation, or for students that have completed equivalent of A level study we also have an entry point at first year of a bachelor’s degree.
Upon completion of the first year, or Stage 2, you will seamlessly progress to the second year of your chosen degree with the University, and no longer be registered with ARU College.
For more information about available courses, intake trimesters and campus location please see our course matrixes.